D-Calc can be integrated to other apps using URL parameters within links. The link will have the following general format:

https://dcalc.edmlink.com/createPole?<input parameters>&returnURL=<ouput app><output app parameters>

This will open D-Calc, create a new pole record, pre-populate the pole record with the parameters given, and then construct a returnURL link to send output parameters back to another 3rd-party app. URL encoding is required in parts of the returnURL for most applications, including Esri.

Example: (without URL encoding, for readability)

https://dcalc.edmlink.com/createPole?poleId=535505b0-2797-4a94-b334-bc039fbef3d0&DistGL=0&Circumference=32&description=skdjfjf&Species=Lodgepole Pine&Class=3&Length=40&projectName=New_Project&returnUrl=https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/dcc8df93cc2b46b1b0c5a4d08434aeba?portalUrl=https://EDM.maps.arcgis.com&field:rsm1_net_act=${rsm1_net_act}&field:PoleGUID=${poleId}

Example: (with URL encoding, actual link would need this encoding)

https://dcalc.edmlink.com/createPole?poleId=535505b0-2797-4a94-b334-bc039fbef3d0&DistGL=0&Circumference=32&description=skdjfjf&Species=Lodgepole Pine&Class=3&Length=40&projectName=New_Project&returnUrl=https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/dcc8df93cc2b46b1b0c5a4d08434aeba?portalUrl=https://EDM.maps.arcgis.com%26field%3Arsm1_net_act%3D%24%7Brsm1_net_act%7D%26field%3APoleGUID%3D%24%7BpoleId%7D

Note: the returnURL parameter set is not required. You may simply pass data into D-Calc from a 3rd-party app and not need to pass data back. But the returnURL is needed if you wish to pass data back from D-Calc into a 3rd-party app.

The returnURL format needs to match the specification of the 3rd party app you are sending the data to. D-Calc's URL methodlogy was built and tested around Esri's URL parameters for their mobile apps, but the method can theoretically be used for any other app that accepts URL-based inputs.

Esri URL parameter specs:

For support and/or services in creating D-Calcintegrations through URLs, contact Paul Petersen